Sunday, 16 June 2024

Arts & Entertainment | Articles

Tips on Finding the Best Classic English Literature Books

11 years ago | Literature by Oswaldo

Maybe you are a big fan of old English literature or maybe you just want to buy some good books to give to friends or fa...

Is it Time To Choose Your First Musical Instrument?

11 years ago | Music by Uriel Mcclain

Music makes the world go round, or was it money? Either way, if you feel you need a new hobby, something fun and enterta...

Learning to Play the Guitar: How to Get Started

11 years ago | Music by Axel

Playing the guitar is a popular hobby with millions of people all around the world. Learning a guitar requires practice ...

5 Tips on Hiring a Wedding Band or DJ

11 years ago | Music by Adam

A wedding is a very special event. It may come once in a lifetime. When planning a wedding, it is imperative that you ta...

Guitar Accessories Explained

11 years ago | Music by Derek

Any budding guitarist will require the use of a guitar, and a number of guitar related accessories to improve their prac...

Add Zing To Your Music Using Vocal Samples

11 years ago | Music by Sounds Xpress

Calling a celebrity like Beyonce for singing a line to make a pack of musical can be pretty expensive. But if you look a...

The Process of Hiring a Wedding Band Simplified

11 years ago | Music by Lisa

The big day that you been planning for months is around the corner. After choosing the perfect dress, venue and cake you...

Exploring The Various Types Of Guitars

11 years ago | Music by Axel

Very few genres of music are complete without a guitar tuned up for play. Most music buffs will be pretty familiar with ...

Getting an Aboriginal Culture Education

11 years ago | Visual Art by Eric

If you have always been interested in the history and culture of aborigines, there are a lot of resources out there that...

Importance of Having Your Personal Self Help Books

11 years ago | Literature by Vernon Clyde

Are you tired of reading huge personal development books that do not seem to give you what you need? If the answer is ye...

Looking for a New Place to Go Out for the Night? Live Music Is Always a Great Option!

11 years ago | Music by Efrain

If you're an outgoing person and you can't spend the weekend at home, you likely already have some sort of routine estab...

4 Lessons for Buying Fine Art on a Budget

11 years ago | Antiques by Nate Rodney

Art collecting can often seem like the pastime of just the very rich, but with the right knowledge and a keen eye, you c...

Be a Star with your Guitar!

11 years ago | Music by Derek

A guitar has always been a sign associated with rock stars and seriously, who here doesn't want to be one? Maybe not lit...

Types Of Radio And TV Antennas

10 years ago | Television by Benedict Mckay

Antennas are crucial components in radio and television broadcasts because they convert electric energy into radio waves...

Which Guitar Is Right For You?

10 years ago | Music by Uriel Mcclain

If you're considering learning to play a musical instrument, good for you. The world could do with more passionate music...

Used Books: Where To Find Them And Why They’re Such A Charm

10 years ago | Literature by Vernon Clyde

The popularity of purchasing used books seems to be rising with more people opting for cheap books still in good conditi...

Artist Spotlight: ‘Man of Genius’ Samuel Hieronymus Grimm

10 years ago | Antiques by Olivia Nicholls

One of the joys of working with original art is being able to hold in your hand – and pour over in detail – exquisite wo...

Artist Spotlight: The Monumental Gerald Coles

10 years ago | Antiques by Olivia Nicholls

The works by Gerald Coles are impressive and affecting because of his dramatic and monumental style. On closer inspectio...

Personalize Your Surfboard With Trendy Decals

10 years ago | Visual Art by Roscoe

Surfboards are not exactly cheap and you want to make sure yours stands out from others. You can choose to give it to a ...

Four Electric Guitars That'll Rock Your World

10 years ago | Music by Axel

Whether it's a Mariachi band or Led Zeppelin, the one thing both of them have in common is guitars. Guitars are the most...