3 Ways To Make Your Senior Living Facility Safe For Visitors

Here are some tips for keeping your senior living facility safe and healthy.

In your senior living facility, you have many people who are beloved by many, many different families. Because of this, your facility has many visitors stopping by each and every day. To ensure these visits are pleasant, you should ensure your facility is taking appropriate safety measures in many areas. If you are looking for ways to make your senior living facility safer for all visitors, here are three things you should consider doing right away.

Hire Security

Unfortunately, today's world is more unpredictable than ever before when it comes to potential acts of violence. Rather than have your facility be looked at as a soft target by a deranged individual, consider having security staff at your facility who can patrol the buildings and grounds. Whether you contract with a private security firm or hire security personnel yourself, it is certain residents, staff, and especially visitors will appreciate your efforts.

Health Practices

Since many senior living facilities were hit especially hard by COVID-19, it is important that you make technology and health practices a priority when it comes to the health of visitors to your facility. One of the best ways to do this is by investing in a temperature scanning kiosk, which will allow you to instantly check the temperatures of anyone entering your facility. Along with this, you should also have a clear policy in place regarding the wearing of masks, hand washing, and social distancing if you feel it is needed. You may also want to limit the number of visitors residents may have at a given time, since this can reduce the number of people entering your facility each day.

Building and Grounds Improvements

When visitors arrive at your facility, you want them to have no trouble walking to and from various areas. If you allow parts of your facility to get run down as the years go by, this could result in a slip and fall accident for a visitor, which could lead to a lawsuit that never should have happened. To keep your facility safe for visitors, make various upgrades to your facility's buildings and grounds. These can include new and brighter lighting around walkways and parking lots, new sidewalks that are smooth and free of cracks or other obstructions, and automatic doors that make it easier for people to enter and exit buildings.

Once you make safety a top priority for your facility and make the necessary investments in time and money, your facility will come to be known as one of the safest in your area.

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