Noteworthy Habits Of A Great Student

How seriously a student takes his/ her studies, directly impacts their level of university performance.

                                  Noteworthy Habits of a Great Student

How seriously a student takes his/ her studies, directly impacts their level of university performance. The level of preparation and learning strategies developed and employed thoughtfully by students, go a long way toward guiding their level of academic performance. Thus, study habit is one of the greatest students learning factors that hugely influences students’ academic achievements.

Every parent desires that their children perform while in academics and get good grades. But not every child is the same and hence grades may differ with a similar amount of effort.

Here are the top 10 habits to become a successful student

1. Identify an ideal study area:

Finding a good location to study is one of the most important elements that directly contribute to a student’s prosperity. Look for a quiet and comfortable place with minimum distractions – somewhere you will be able to focus, and won’t be disturbed by loud sounds or people. Ideally, A school library, a coffee shop, a quiet garden, or a quiet corner of your house can all be a good place to start.

2. Minimal distractions:

Picking a good location to study can be the first step in keeping yourself focused on your work. But many types of distractions can reach you no matter what or where you choose a place to work. Here are some quick tips on eliminating these distractions.
a) Turn off your WIFI: If you are working on a computer or laptop and you don’t need your WIFI, for your work try turning it off. This can keep you away from the distractions of social media.
b) Keep your phone away while studying: It is not a secret that our smartphones can be hugely distracting, especially while we are studying. Turning off your notifications, and keeping your phone away from your vision can help you focus on your studies efficiently with minimal distractions.
c) Study with a friend: Sometimes studying with a friend or a group of friends, whether you are not working on the same materials, can help you keep focused and answerable. This also ensures you make sure each one of them is on the same page.

3. Taking breaks often:

Taking intentional breaks has been proven to nurture attention and boost in energy levels. Research shows that working for around 50 minutes, then giving yourself a 15 to 20-minute break can lead to maximum productivity for future tasks to accomplish.

Here are some effective ways you can give yourself a break.
a) Listening to your favourite music
b) Chat with friends
c) Having a snack break (Hydrate yourself and nourish yourself with seasonal fruits and dry fruits)
d) Take a small walk
e) Meditate

Key takeaway: Checking your phone or social media during a study break has proven to decrease in performance due to its hooking nature. Try to utilize the above-mentioned ideal break strategies for optimal rejuvenation.

4. Identify a study mechanism:

Noting an idea or concept in your own words is much more recommended than noting it down in technical terms. This not only helps your brain to cover more information but also aids recall value.

5. Ask for help:

Asking for help is not a sign of weakness – It’s a sign of maturity and fosters your hunger for knowledge. Feel free to approach your teacher, teaching assistant, friend, tutor, or study group member for new ways to understand what you are stuck on.

6. Take care of yourself:

At the end of the day, your brain is your temple and you are responsible for taking good care of it which is only possible when you are healthy. Dedicate some time to regular exercise, consume nutritious foods, and take care of your mental well-being by doing what you like often.

7. Test yourself:

Tests and practice tests have been considered useful tools to help students learn and absorb information efficiently. Besides revealing gaps in knowledge and reducing exam nervousness, being tested makes us bring back information from memory.

8. Organized your work:

Being organized is a key element for any success in life be it for a school exam or be it for a corporate presentation. This skill is handy when it comes to distinguishing yourself from the clutter.

Effective time management is another essential habit of successful students. Those who manage their time carefully mostly get better grades because they have more time to study, do homework and prepare for tests.

10. Stay focused:

Last but not least, successful students know how to stay focused on their tasks. Whether studying for a test, reading an assignment, or writing a paper, they remain focused until the work is done.

Food for Thought:

As mentioned above not all children perform the same after similar efforts put in, but these are just the top 10 habits that act as a base for a child’s academic upliftment. Inculcating these habits in your little ones from the beginning can not only make this base stranger but also boost career performance in the future.

Additionally, communication skills are essential for academic excellence that drives success.

At Harshad Valia International School, we aim to make each student capable of the future opportunities coming their way. These habits are driven within the academic structure to enable them to prosper constantly.

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