5 Common Toothache Causes You Shouldn’t Ignore

If you've ever had a toothache, you're definitely aware of how challenging it may be to go about your everyday tasks.

If you've ever had a toothache, you're definitely aware of how challenging it may be to go about your everyday tasks. To manage toothaches, many individuals try using a variety of over-the-counter drugs and home remedies. However, you should be aware that treating the issue causing your teeth to hurt is the only approach to effectively get rid of the problem.

Here are the five common toothache causes you should never ignore or try treating on your own. 

1. Cavities 

Cavities, sometimes referred to as dental caries, are a very prevalent problem that can affect both kids and adults. Besides somewhat sensitive teeth and minor discoloration on the affected tooth, dental caries may not cause any significant symptoms. However, as it progresses and results in cavities, it can lead to serious symptoms. Even more so if the cavity penetrates the inner layers of the tooth. Untreated cavities have the potential to destroy the entire tooth. If this occurs, it could be necessary to remove the compromised tooth and replace it with a single dental implant.

2. Enamel erosion 

Dental enamel is thought to be the hardest tissue in the human body. But sadly, under certain conditions, it may deteriorate. For instance, grinding your teeth can wear down the enamel because it causes the tops of your teeth to scrape against one another. The following are all the causes of severe enamel erosion:

- High consumption of acidic foods and beverages

- Overzealous tooth brushing

- Bulimia and other eating disorders

- Stiff-bristled toothbrushes 

- Improper dental hygiene

Acid reflux (GERD)

Enamel erosion can result in toothaches, sensitivity, chips and cracks, and tooth discoloration.

3. Dental abscess

A dental abscess is a very serious infection that develops when bacteria enter your tooth and cause a pus-filled sac to form. Typically, this illness results in swollen gums, foul smell, extremely sensitive teeth, bad taste in the mouth, and severe toothache.  It is crucial to realize that a dental abscess should only be handled by a dental specialist because a ruptured sac could cause the pus to enter your bloodstream and flow to your brain.

4. Gum recession 

Gum recession is a condition characterized by your gums pulling off your teeth and revealing the tooth roots. You can consequently feel pain and develop increased sensitivity. Common causes of receding gums include:


- gum disease

- Overzealous brushing 

- Poor dental hygiene

- Smoking and tobacco use

- Dry mouth

- Hormonal flanctuations

- Genetic predisposition to gum reccesion

Reach out to an experienced dental specialist right away if you've realized that your teeth are getting shorter or thinner and that your gums are receding. Gum recession can result in loose and even missing teeth if it is not addressed.

5. Tooth fractures 

A tooth fracture is a dangerous problem that has to be treated right away. The main issue is that a broken tooth can hurt badly and can lead to serious complications. In order to avoid associated tooth decay and oral infection, restoring it as quickly as possible is crucial. Take it to the dentist if a significant portion of your tooth has broken off since the specialist might be able to reattach it. In other circumstances, a dentist will use a dental filling or crown to replace the lost portion of the tooth.

The bottom line

You can manage your toothache with painkillers until you can see a dental specialist for appropriate treatment. Avoid self-medicating or using home remedies without first consulting a dentist to avoid unwanted complications. You should be aware that toothaches can only be relieved with prompt and appropriate dental care that only a professional can provide.

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