6 Factors That Can Aggravate Lower Back Pain

Lower Back Pain

People of all ages and lifestyles can experience lower back pain, which is a common problem. The quality of life can be negatively impacted by pain that can vary from minor inconvenience to excruciating pain. 

Lower back pain has a wide range of potential reasons, and it can frequently be challenging to determine its precise cause. However, a few things can exacerbate lower back pain, making it more intense and chronic. In this article, we will discuss six such factors that can aggravate lower back pain.

1. Poor posture

One of the most prevalent causes of pain in the lower back is incorrect posture. Long-term slouching or hunching over places excessive strain on the lower back muscles and spine. This can result in muscular imbalances and strain, which can cause lower back pain over time. 

Lower back pain caused by poor posture is more common in people who travel a lot, work at desk jobs, or sit in front of computers for extended periods of time. It's essential to maintain a good posture, take frequent breaks, and use ergonomic desks and chairs to avoid lower back pain.

2. Stress

Stress can create muscular tension, including in your lower back, which can cause pain and stiffness. To relieve muscle tightness and lower your risk of getting lower back pain, try relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or yoga if you are under stress.

3. Poor sleeping habits

Lower back pain can be triggered by sleeping in an incorrect position or on a mattress that is too soft or too firm. Sleeping on your stomach or in a fetal posture puts pressure on your lower back, causing pain. 

Similar to how lying down on a mattress that is too soft can lead to an unnatural curve in the vertebrae, a mattress that is too firm can lead to pain in the muscles. Use a mattress that is solid enough to support your vertebrae and lie on your back or side with a pillow between your legs to avoid this.

4. Smoking

Smoking can cause a range of health issues, including pain in the lower back. Cigarette smoke contains chemicals, including nicotine, that can decrease blood flow to your spine's discs, causing degeneration and discomfort. Giving up smoking can help your spine get increased circulation and lower your chance of getting lower back pain.

5. Lack of exercise

Lower back pain can also be caused by inactivity. Your back muscles weaken and stiffen if you don't exercise constantly, making it more difficult to support your vertebrae. This can cause lower back pain, particularly if you participate in physical activities like lifting heavy objects or performing sports. Regular exercise can help keep your back muscles strong and flexible, lowering your chance of lower back pain. 

6. Obesity

Another factor that can make the pain in the lower back worse is obesity. Weight gain strains the spine and may cause it to bend in an abnormal way, which can be painful. Additionally, it raises the possibility of getting conditions like spinal stenosis, sciatica, and herniated discs, all of which can lead to lower back pain. The pressure on the lower back can be reduced and discomfort relieved by losing weight through a healthy diet along with regular exercise.

The bottom line

If you have lower back pain, it's critical to recognize the possible causes of your discomfort and take action to control them. This may include making lifestyle changes such as exercising regularly, quitting smoking, or improving your posture. Consult with your healthcare provider for additional evaluation and treatment choices if your lower back pain persists. You can reduce your lower back pain and enhance your general quality of life with proper treatment.

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