Traumatic Brain Injury And Available Support For Veterans

Brain damage caused due to a head injury is known as "brain injury".

Brain Injury


A brain injury is an injury that occurs due to a violent blow or trauma to the head and leads to significant brain damage. There are several causes of brain injury, including falls and accidents. Each person experiences different difficulties or challenges depending on the severity and location of the injury.


Acquired Brain Injury


An ABI is a brain injury that may occur anytime after birth. It's not hereditary, congenital, or degenerative. ABI is classified into two categories:


 Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)


TBI is an injury that occurs due to external trauma to the head. It is caused by an assault, accident, fall, etc.


 Non-Traumatic Brain Injury


An injury causes brain damage due to internal factors such as lack of oxygen, a tumor, drug overdose, stroke, etc.


 What do brain injury support groups offer survivors?


A support group is where survivors can comfortably share their feelings with those who truly understand their issues. These groups allow survivors to connect socially and share their thoughts and experiences. Brain Injury Support Groups offer brain injury survivors a safe environment, emotional support, and quality information. In addition, brain Injury Support Groups provide counseling, rehabilitation therapies, and services to brain injury survivors during their recovery journey. 


 Brain Injury Support for Veterans


Brain injury support groups offer a platform for veterans and their caregivers to share their ideas and feelings in a confidential atmosphere. Everyone needs support after a traumatic event like a brain injury. Veterans need lots of practical and emotional support after a brain injury.


Brain injury support for veterans is necessary to improve their quality of life. TBIs in veterans are very common. Untreated or undiagnosed TBIs in veterans can lead to years of stress and suffering. Veterans with mild TBI experience symptoms such as headaches, blurred vision, or hearing problems.


Depression and post-traumatic stress are the two results of TBI that happen more frequently in veterans. That's why veterans need unconditional support to heal and achieve personal goals.

Support groups may provide problem-solving skills, a sense of empowerment, hope, life-long friends, and innovative ideas to feel physically and mentally stronger.


Participating in support groups provides emotional support to the veterans, which they require during their healing journey. They got a chance to listen to the real-time stories of other survivors. It is a platform that offers an opportunity to socialize with other brain injury survivors.


What are the benefits of participating in a support group?


Being in a support group provides its members an opportunity to share their personal stories, struggles, and fears with other survivors. They don't feel alone. Sharing their thoughts with other members also eases their feelings of loneliness and isolation. They find new ways to deal with their daily challenges and difficulties. It reduces their anxiety, depression, distress, or fatigue. They got lots of practical and emotional support from other survivors during their healing process.


Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)


When a sudden trauma causes damage to the brain, it may lead to TBI. For example, a brain injury due to a hard blow or jolt to the head is known as a TBI. It can damage nerve cells, leading to swelling or bleeding in the brain. TBI is classified into two categories: open brain injury and closed brain injury.


What are the symptoms of TBI?


The symptoms of traumatic brain injury can appear immediately, or sometimes they may appear a few days or weeks after the traumatic event. TBI can be mild or severe.

Mild TBI is also known as concussion. Some common symptoms of mild TBI are headaches, dizziness, blurred vision, trouble thinking, nausea, or vomiting. The symptoms of severe TBI are severe headache, memory loss, slurred speech, pupil dilation, coma, loss of coordination, or paralysis.


Causes of TBI


The most common causes of TBI are falls, accidents, violence, vehicle-related collisions, sports injuries, combat injuries, or explosive blasts.


Treatment of TBI


TBIs are treatable. Treatment for TBIs depends on the severity of the injury and its consequences. A person with mild TBI recovers pretty quickly. A person with mild TBI needs proper rest and minimal treatment to heal quickly. Treating severe TBI may include surgery, medications, rehabilitation therapies, or learning strategies. Unfortunately, it can sometimes lead to life-long disabilities, comas, memory loss, permanent brain damage, or even death.


How do you recover from TBI?


Recovering from TBI is a long and challenging process. Following your health care provider's instructions is essential to recover quickly. Always remember that you're not alone in your recovery journey. Your family, friends, and loved ones will always be there for you. Be positive and stay away from all the negativity. You can participate in brain injury support groups. They provide immense support to survivors, caregivers, and loved ones of brain injury.

Joining such groups is an excellent step towards healing. You feel secure and loved in an environment where you can openly express your feelings. Even though recovery from moderate to severe TBI will take time, you don't have to lose hope. Instead, express your feelings to other members of the support group. It'll help you to gain a sense of empowerment, and you will feel much better.

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