Pregnancy Month By Month: 1 Month Pregnant

You might have noticed some unusual changes and started to wonder: Could I be… pregnant!?

Or you might not observe any early signs of pregnancy except that your period is late. Either way, you can take a home pregnancy test that will confirm your pregnancy, and then visit your doctor for a medical checkup and to schedule the rest of your prenatal appointments.

Common Pregnancy Symptoms at One Month Pregnant

Early signs of pregnancy at 1 month pregnant aren’t necessarily the most noticeable; however, they can include:

  • Mood changes
  • Bloating
  • Cramps
  • Lower backache
  • Spotting
  • Frequent urination
  • Sore or tender breasts
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Constipation
  • Food cravings and aversions
  • Missed period.

Keep in mind that at 1 month pregnant, you may not experience most or any of these changes or conditions. Instead, you might first suspect you could be pregnant when you notice your period is late, and then that you’ve missed your period altogether.

One Month Pregnant: Changes Inside and Out

Embryonic Development: After conception, the fertilized egg will travel from the fallopian tube to the womb and will implant in the uterus lining. The egg divides into a bunch of cells, becoming an embryo. At about week eight, the embryo has developed a tiny spine and limbs, and has started to grow the brain, eyes, and ears.

Changes to Your Body: When you find out you're pregnant, you might react in different ways than you expected. Your feelings might even change from one moment to the next. These emotional shifts, caused in part by pregnancy hormones, are totally normal. Allow yourself the time to rest and process your feelings. Aside from the early pregnancy symptoms described above, you might not notice too many other physical changes.

What Are the Pregnancy Months?

Pregnancies last nine months, right? Well, kind of. Pregnancies are typically about 40 weeks (almost 10 months) long, starting from the first day of your last menstrual period. But it’s not unusual for babies to arrive a few weeks early or late, and the ‘months’ are a bit longer than four weeks. Also, sometimes it’s hard to pinpoint the exact date of conception. So, with all these variables, ‘nine months’ is just a rough guide.

That’s why pregnancies are usually measured in weeks rather than months, and why you’ll hear references to ‘week 12’ or ‘week 32’, for example. You’ll also notice references to the ‘pregnancy trimesters’. The three pregnancy trimesters are:

  • First trimester (weeks 1-13): During first trimester of pregnancy, you are getting used to the idea of being pregnant and handling early pregnancy symptoms like morning sickness and exhaustion which are most common during this time. Know more about pregnancy symptoms & baby growth during first trimester of pregnancy
  • Second trimester (weeks 14-27): The second trimester of pregnancy is the most enjoyable and comfortable phase of pregnancy. The discomforts of first trimester ease up a bit. The little one grows from being the size of nectarine to that of a cauliflower and this growth spurt is visible as your belly grows and more tangible as you start to feel the movement of your baby during this phase. Know more about second trimester of pregnancy, its symptoms, baby development and tips.
  • Third trimester (weeks 28-42): The third trimester of pregnancy is the most exciting and suspenseful phase- the best part of which is taking your baby home. Take your time planning for birth and what comes afterward and enjoy the last few weeks of pregnancy. Know more about third trimester of pregnancy, its symptoms, baby growth & expert tips.

So, how do you determine how many months pregnant you are? There are different ways of calculating this, but often you are considered 1 month pregnant in about weeks five to eight of pregnancy — these are the weeks that follow your first missed period. Remember, though, you will have conceived some weeks before what’s referred to as this first month.

Due date calculator: In 1st month of pregnancy, you’ll be eager to know when to expect your newborn, and the Pampers Due Date Calculator is a handy tool to give you an estimate. If you have irregular periods or you can’t remember the date of the first day of your last menstrual period, your healthcare provider can make an assessment of how far along you are in your pregnancy.

First Month of Pregnancy Quick List

  • Find out if you’re pregnant:You can find out you’re pregnant by taking a home pregnancy test. These tests are usually more accurate when taken a few days or even a week after the first day of your missed period.
  • Get a doctor’s check up:Head to your doctor, who’ll be able to confirm your pregnancy via tests, including measuring your levels of the hormone known as human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Your doctor will also be able to give you guidance on the appointments you’ll need to keep over the next nine months (or so). Also, try exploring our pregnancy calendar for pregnancy, post-pregnancy & baby care tips
  • Pregnancy nutrition:Speak to your doctor about healthy pregnancy nutrition, and what pregnancy vitamins or supplements might be right for you.
  • Refocus on your health:Try to quit unhealthy habits like smoking and drinking, and try to reduce stress.
  • Check in with your feelings:This is an emotional time, and you might be feeling all kinds of physical symptoms and pregnancy emotions. Rest up, and speak to loved ones about how you are feeling.
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