The Importance Of Concept Testing

While there are many forms of marketing research that are valuable in developing a product, service, or interface.

A Key Part of the Development Process

Concept testing is a non-negotiable part of successfully developing any product, and no company initiative should go forward without it. While it can be easy to assume knowledge of the market and of consumer demand based on other data and information, there is no way to truly gauge potential responses to a product, other than through concept testing. Concept testing allows companies to assess all aspects of a prototype or idea, from its appeal, to its usability, to its most promising price point. The resulting information is crucial to companies and can be used when making many decisions, such as potential modifications to the product or planning how to place the product.

Concept Testing Eliminates Important Risk Factors

Launching a new product, service, or interface is always a risky venture, and there are never any guarantees or certainties. However, there is an enormous difference between taking a calculated risk and taking an unnecessary one, and concept testing is a big part of that difference. Concept testing allows a company to weed out any potential factors that could spell failure before a product even hits the shelves, like issues of usability or a severe error in the estimation of a consumer-acceptable price point. If a product or service has undergone concept testing, however, these mishaps can be spotted and addressed before the company stands to lose all the money that’s been invested into the product, and the findings of the testing can be applied to modify and update the product for a greater chance at success. While concept testing is an extra step in the development process, it’s nothing compared to what a company stands to lose over a flaw or misjudgment that could easily have been spotted and resolved by concept testing.

Concept Testing Maximizes Chances Of Success

When it comes to preparing a product or service for launch, not only does concept testing raise the floor, so to speak, but it also raises the ceiling. Right off the bat, concept testing gives a company an advantage when it comes to sell-in agreements. Retailers are calculated risk-takers as well, and concept testing serves as evidence to retailers that the product is viable, usable, and has proven appeal on the market. When there is a third party distributing a product from the developer to the customer, the importance of initial sell-in agreements cannot be overstated. Concept testing makes sell-in that much easier and starts a product launch out on the right foot, rather than letting a company hit an obstacle in distribution before the product is even out of the gate.

A Universal Form of Market Research

Whether a company is developing the latest update to a household staple or launching an experimental new app, concept testing is always a pertinent and powerful tool. A hypothesis about consumer behavior or any other aspect of marketing, no matter how well-informed, is meaningless until it’s been put to the test, and concept testing is the most reliable way for a company to assess any and all aspects of a product before it hits the market.

Kelton, a market research firm in Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, and London provides actionable strategic plans with a range of qualitative and quantitative research methodologies like brand tracking, customer journey mapping, market segmentation, concept testing ( ), omnibus surveys and many more. Visit for more info.

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