User Guide For Writing A Recruitment Tender

Certain tenders require certain details and will each ask a collection of questions unique to their sector.

With so many differing industries dispatching Invitations To Tender (ITTs), it can be really demanding to customize the various bid proposals to best suit each industry and their requirements. Certain tenders require certain details and will each ask a collection of questions unique to their sector. Those tendering in the recruitment industry will need to be prepared to answer, in depth, the questions that will be asked and understand the difference in recruitment tenders when compared to others.

What Is A Recruitment Tender?

A recruitment tender is where public and private sector businesses pursue to outsource the process of luring and hiring appropriately qualified candidates for particular job roles. Tendering for recruitment allows businesses to free up time and regulate costs which makes things far more efficient in-house. It contributes to reducing the risk of a low staff retention rate due to business owners rushing the employment process. 

Numerous businesses choose to outsource major functions, such as recruitment, to streamline their overall business processes. Tendering for recruitment also allows a business to hand this responsibility off to a professional who has the skills to easily win over and source suitable applicants.

 Ways To Find Recruitment Tenders

There are various ways through which a person can find recruitment tenders but the easiest way is through using our all-inclusive, unique platform Tender Pipeline. Tender Pipeline is a software that allows businesses to search for particular tenders which narrows the results down by desired location and contract type to save time. Our clever system can send users alerts if a relevant job comes to tender, ensuring that they never miss out on a prospective opportunity. Users can specify their search to only show recruitment tenders on our Tender Portal, making these opportunities easy to view and keep track.

Usual Recruitment Tender Questions

Whilst bidding for recruitment tenders, you’ll need to be prepared to answer a set list of questions relating to the industry and explain how you can provide the best service in return. Some common recruitment tender questions are based on:

  1. Account Management
  2. Added Value (to include innovation, awards and accreditations)
  3. Recruitment Process/Candidate Journey
  4. Legislative Compliance (e.g AWR, IR35)

Our Course Performance With Recruitment Tenders

Our aim is to:

  1. Clearly define your USPs - What is unique about your recruitment methodology that is different from your competitors
  2. Get your industry knowledge across - How does your approach differ when recruiting across different industries? What specialist knowledge does your team have that will guide candidates through the market and give them confidence that you understand their career journey/goals?
  3. Get the tone right - Recruitment is a people-centered service, so make sure this is reflected in your response.

Writing bids and customizing your proposals to suit a specific industry can be difficult. Before you can write a worthy recruitment tender, you’ll need to be confident in general bid and tender writing.

TendersAndBids can assist with Recruitment Tenders

If you are struggling to write a compelling recruitment tender and need some advice from our experienced bid writers, get in touch with us today. We’re more than happy to chat with you about the tenders you are interested in and how we can support you in writing winning bids.

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