4 Must-have Pieces Of Equipment For Your Home Gym

This is the best time to invest in home gym equipment! With summer just around the corner and beach trips planned

This is the best time to invest in home gym equipment! With summer just around the corner and beach trips planned, keep working out at home and reach your fitness goals for the summer. In order to get the ideal summer body, here are 4 must-have home gym equipment.


Dumbbells are one of the most versatile pieces of equipment you can have in your arsenal. You can use them for virtually any exercise and they're compact enough to be stored easily. Dumbbells are available in both fixed weight and adjustable varieties. Fixed dumbbells can range anywhere from 1 pound to over 200 pounds, but typically adjustable options allow you to change the weight on the fly, which allows you to keep multiple sets' worth of weights in a small footprint.

As far as how many dumbbells/how much weight you should purchase, that will depend on your routine. If you're going for a full-body workout 3x per week, then 2-3 sets (one light, medium and heavy) - ranging from 15-35lb or so - should do it for an upper-body workout (if you're using these weights for bodyweight exercises like pushups or plyometrics, then a single set at around 25lbs should suffice), while 5-10lbs would be ideal weights for lower-body workout. If your workout is more focused on specific muscle groups (say chest and arms) then higher numbers of each could be appropriate.

It's important that dumbbells are easy to grab when you need them rather than being difficult to access or having to move other equipment out of the way first; this is especially true if they're part of a circuit training regimen where timing between exercises is important to maintain.[

Resistance bands

Resistance bands are a must-have piece of equipment for any home gym. They’re small, portable and can be used for strength training or pilates. They’re safe and easy to use, with different levels of resistance so that people of all fitness levels can get the most out of them.

Adjustable Step Boards

One of the most versatile pieces of equipment you can purchase for your home gym is an adjustable step board. Using a step board is possibly the easiest way to incorporate cardio into a strength training session. Step boards are inexpensive, portable and easy to store, making them one of my go-to pieces when it comes time to upgrade my home gym.

Step boards can be used in a variety of exercises including:

  • Box Jumps, Lunges, Split Squats, Tricep Dips
  • Push Ups, Shoulder Presses, Glute Bridges, Plank Holds
  • Abdominal Crunches

Gym Ball

Gym balls are perfect for almost any fitness level and come in a variety of sizes to ensure you have the right fit. A gym ball can help improve balance and coordination as well as help you build core strength. They are also useful for stretching and relaxation, so really good for those days when you feel your body is aching all over! Although predominantly used for sitting, the ball can be used for various exercises including lunges, sit-ups and back extensions. In fact, it can also be used to increase the intensity of other exercises such as squats by holding a dumbbell or medicine ball at chest height when performing the squat.

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