4 Ways Chiropractic Massage Therapy Can Help Reduce Stress

Stress has become a common part of our lives between work, family and social obligations.

It can be either acute, episodic acute or chronic.

Acute stress is short-term and is normally caused by pressures and demands of the past and future. It is not always negative and does not have any lingering effects on the health.

In fact, in most conditions, the acute stress can be healthy as it enables the body and brain to respond more effectively to the stressful situations in future.

Episodic acute stress refers to stress that happens frequently. It occurs on a daily basis and is more serious than episodic stress.

Chronic stress is long-term and is caused by frequent exposure to the situations that result in therelease of stress hormones and it can have a detrimental impact on health.

Chronic stress also affects the body’s immune response and increases the risk of developing serious diseases like heart attack, high blood pressure, stroke, type 2 diabetes, hormonal imbalance, insomnia and depression. It can also cause nerves to become dysfunctional, which can result in shooting pain in neck, back, shoulders and other parts of the body.

Unfortunately, some people use pain medications for stress that may cause side effects like insomnia, dry mouth, dizziness, nausea, blurred vision and weight gain.

Chiropractic care is a natural way to deal with stress without any harmful prescription medication.

Chiropractors most commonly use chiropractic massage therapy to relieve muscle tension, improve circulation, restore the ability to get quality sleep and help the body return to a relaxed state.

They can also counsel their patients on behavioral changes, exercise programs and dietary plans that help them control their stress and improve their overall physical and mental health.

Types of Stress:

Stress can be classified into four categories: Emotional, environmental, chemical and physical:

Emotional Stress

Almost everyone suffers from emotional stress at some point in his/her life. Financial issues, family responsibilities, and health concerns are some of the main causes of this type of stress.

Emotional stress can result in hormonal imbalances that can affect healthy immune functioning.

Physical Stress

Physical stress refers to physical activities and events that affect the human’s body like illness, dietary issues, injury, malnutrition, overwork and lack of sleep.

Environmental Stress

Environmental stress can be caused by the activities and circumstances that are beyond an individual’s direct control like pollution, extreme temperatures, climate change, natural disasters, war and other manmade disorders.

Chemical Stress

Chemical stress occurs due to an imbalance of chemicals in the body, which affects its ability to function properly. It is caused by excessive alcohol intake, smoking, an overdose of pharmacological drugs, and unnecessary over the counter medications.

4 Ways Chiropractic Care Can Help Reduce Stress

Here are the four ways chiropractor care can help reduce stress.

  • By Reducing Muscle Tension:

Prolonged muscle tension and contraction are the common symptoms of long-term stress. This muscle tension creates pressures on the body’s bony structures, making it difficult for the victim to perform functional activities like walking, sitting and stair climbing.

Chiropractor adjustments can relieve muscle tension, improve circulation and help your body return to a relaxed state. They also reduce the irritation of the spinal nerve, soothe the fight and flight response, and trigger the process of healing.

  • With Spinal Adjustments:

Our spine is attached to our nervous system, which means our everyday physical and mental health is dependent on the health of the spine. A healthy spine helps the nervous system perform its job without any hindrance.

Spinal subluxations (misalignment) can affect your nervous system’s ability to communicate with other parts of your body and lead to a several other issues including tension headaches, nausea, migraines, vomiting and digestive issues.

Chiropractic adjustments can bring your spine back into proper alignment and restore the natural balance to your central nervous system, enabling your body to cope with stress more effectively.

The spinal adjustment can also release the tension held in muscles to restore the function of your body, promote relaxation, increase the blood circulation and provide relief from headaches and other body pains.

A well-adjusted spine also strengthens your immune system that improves your quality of sleep.

  • With Healthy Diet Recommendations:

A balanced nutrition plays a key role when we feel stressed. Many people tend to eat more when stressed which puts more stress on their already tried body.

Studies show that people also make unhealthy food choices under stress.

A well-balanced diet strengthens the immunity system of an individual, which leads to a fit and healthy lifestyle.

Chiropractors work with their patients to develop a plan that contains all the essential components of a balanced diet.

They also counsel them on nutritional deficiencies. For example, stress causes vitamin C levels in the body to deplete, weakening body’s resistance to diseases and infections and increasing the likelihood of further stress.

Your chiropractor will recommend an appropriate amount of vitamin C in your daily intake to strengthen your body’s ability to cope with the stress.

  • By Correcting Your Posture:

Bad posture is another reason that puts unnecessary stress on your spine and throws it out of alignment.

Your chiropractor can counsel you on correcting your posture through chiropractic adjustments, exercises and recommendations on proper sitting, standing, stretching and laying positions.

Correct posture minimizes the likelihood of stress and helps your body achieve and maintain a state of relaxation.

Chiropractors can also recommend you various relaxation techniques, like deep breathing and meditation that soothe the flight or fight response.


Chiropractic care has been shown to be an effective treatment for stress and anxiety. Chiropractic treatments work to relieve pain and relax muscles to reduce stress, which result in improved mental health and acuity and improved quality of life.

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