Building A Content Marketing Strategy That Works

The best way to build a positive brand for your business and drive traffic to your site is by creating and promoting quality content that adds real value to people’s lives. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done. Without a clear marketing strategy, you’ll end up wasting precious resources churning out material that generates very little engagement.

Astonishingly, the Content Marketing Institute found that a staggering 61% of marketers in 2019 did not have a documented strategy. Moreover, those who did consistently rated their campaigns as more successful than others. The evidence is clear; a carefully planned strategy is a necessity for anyone providing or enlisting content marketing services. Of course, not just any system will do. To make sure that you have something that really works, follow these five basic steps:  

Be Clear on Your Goals

In order to tell whether or not your campaign has been a success, you need to set clear, realistic, and measurable goals. Are you looking to increase the size of your organic or paid reach, and over what period of time? Perhaps your site already has plenty of visitors, but you need to improve your conversion rate? The more specific your aims, the easier it will be to gauge what’s working and what needs more attention.

Identify your Unique Value Proposition

Your unique value proposition (UVP) is whatever sets you apart from your competitors. You need to integrate your UVP into whatever content you produce. For example, if you run a local bakery, then your UVP might include your specialist knowledge of breads from around the world. A blog post on how to enjoy different kinds of bread would then be a great way to get across your expertise and create the positive brand image you need.

Think Carefully About Your Distribution Channels

As experts offering content marketing services will tell you, you can’t create content without knowing where it is going to be distributed. This is because different channels are better suited to different kinds of work. Videos and blogposts are best placed on Facebook, while infographics and images circulate much better on Instagram. It is, of course, a good idea to target those channels where you already have a healthy following.

Create a Calendar

This describes what you’re going to publish and when. For your campaign to be a success, you need to be publishing consistently and reliably. Helpfully, there are a number of content marketing services available which allow you to create and schedule your work in advance, so that you don’t inadvertently miss out on important deadlines.

Produce Quality Copy

The success or failure of a campaign depends on the quality of the content that’s produced. Avoid creating “spammy” copy which fails to encourage meaningful engagement and offers nothing of actual value. Instead, focus on producing helpful blogposts or interesting images that make your audience stop and think. It’s worth taking some risks, as playing it safe is unlikely to get you noticed.

Strategic online marketing can help your business grow, but only when it’s done properly. By following these five steps and enlisting the help of professional content marketing services, you can build a strategy that really works.        

Author Plate

Kit Jones is a professional consultant at LeadGeneratorsDigital, a successful online marketing agency focusing on a variety of digital strategies including content and SEO marketing. The agency provides affordable content marketing services for businesses looking to not only boost their Google rankings, but also their conversion rates and the overall quality of their site.

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