The Different Turf Types For Sports

If you own or run a sports club, you will undoubtedly own a pitch. The following provides insight on the types.

In the world of sport brings many different types of requirements, depending on the sport. Some of the varying needs include the sports pitch construction type, if it needs one. Typically, 3G football pitch construction is picked by leisure centres and schools, to help with multi use applications. Artificial pitches provide many benefits, no matter where the installation, when compared to natural grass. Such advantages include less maintenance overall, that includes costs; meaning no more cancelled matches due to the weather.

When it comes to the artificial football pitch design, there are areas that need consideration before undergoing sports pitch construction. The largest question regards the most suitable turf type for the sport. Since there’s more than one type of pitch, each come with their own characteristics. So, if you are considering a pitch refurbishment, the following is a good guide for deciding what grass is most suitable for what sport.

Sand filled fake grass is great for a wide range of sports, along with locations that have limited space. This kind of turf for artificial football pitch design is an ideal alternative to natural grass, particularly during the winter months when pitches are hard to upkeep. Not only is sand filled artificial grass beneficial for playing football, but also other sports. Such sports include tennis and hockey, that take place at most schools. It must be noted that this kind of turf is generally chosen by schools, not high performance clubs, as it cannot withstand frequent use.

A similar type of turf is sand dressed fake grass, though it is different from the above option. Upon first looking at this kind of grass, you will notice it is much greener. The reason for this is due to less sand deposits for supporting the carpet. As there is less stability within this turf, sports with the least impact during playing would be better choosing this. So, sports like tennis or for 3G football pitch construction would benefit from this turf.

Another choice of turf for sports pitch construction is a water based fake grass. This grass has no sand added, but requires watering before and during games. Doing this ensures the artificial football pitch design remains in top condition. Furthermore, there is an obvious difference with this kind of turf, as the water is what provides slide resistance not sand. This means there is less of a chance for players to suffer from abrasions during playing. Additionally, it being water based helps give a better bounce for both the ball and the players.

Lastly, for high end performance sports, 3G turfs are most worthy for such playing. Known as the third generation of sports pitches, this grass includes rubber as well as sand for the best playing surface. Because of this, 3G football pitch construction is more common for professional football grounds, along with rugby. Moreover, both sports can benefit from such an installation, as the grass can be played in wet and dry conditions.

Hopefully, the above has provided some insight into what kind of turf you will need for your club’s sport.

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