Hair Loss Treatment Clinic In Mumbai

The Esthetic Clinics has got both the needed tools and equipment and trained professionals to diagnose and treat

Beyond the aesthetic eyesore that hair loss imposes on a person’s outlook, it could highlight the incidence of certain underlying diseases. However, more often than not, many persons seem to attribute hair loss to increasing age. Though this is true, it does not reflect the whole picture as hair loss may also be due to other factors such as stress, genetics, reactions to specific medications, etc. The best way to deal with the situation and find a lasting solution to the problem is to see a Hair Loss Clinic in Mumbai.

Talking about where to look, The Esthetic Clinics has got both the needed tools and equipment and trained professionals to diagnose and treat/manage all cases of hair loss. The clinic, under the directorship of two of India’s most revered medical practitioners, Dr. Debraj Shome and Dr. Rinky Kapoor, has grown to become one of the best (medical) facilities in India today.

Procedures for hair loss treatment in India

Hair Loss Doctor in India at The Esthetic Clinics  have acquired the prerequisite knowledge to carry out a variety of hair loss treatment procedures – which they have continually actualized with huge success stories realized. Without further ado, the following are some of the hair loss treatments you can get from the clinic:

QR678 Therapy

In this hair loss treatment, the doctor will introduce a formulation, known as QR678, into the bald part of the scalp with the aid of a sterile syringe. Once the dose of QR678 comes in contact with the hair follicles, it triggers the regrowth of hair. This occurs by virtue of the numerous growth factors contained in the formulation. It may interest you to know that QR678 was developed by the research team of The Esthetic Clinics under the leadership of Dr. Debraj and Dr. Rinky. The treatment is approved by the FDA and is currently being used across Asia, the US, the United Kingdom, and some other European nations.

Hair Transplantation

Patients with hair loss problems can also receive a hair transplant which is inserted into a balding area from a donor site on their scalp. Follicular unit strip surgery (FUSS) is one of the ways through which this is done, and it involves the hair doctor harvesting a strip of skin and preparing it for the follicular units therein to be transplanted to the part where the hair loss is localized. The other hair transplantation technique is known as follicular unit extraction (FUE), and it has to do with the punching of series of tiny into the back of the scalp to extract hair follicles. These hair follicles are thereafter inserted into tiny holes created around the bald area.

Laser Hair Growth Therapy

Laser hair growth therapy revolves around the introduction of low-level laser to the affected area, and this ultimately brings about notable hair regrowth as the activity level of the hair follicles is raised. The laser can be delivered through devices such as combs, caps, bands, or helmets.

Cost of hair loss treatment in Mumbai

The cost of your hair loss treatment in India will be primarily dependent on the type of procedure that would be adopted in addressing your condition. Other factors such as proximity to the clinic, number of treatment sessions required, prescriptions, and skill of the hair doctor may also have a significant impact on Hair Loss Treatment Cost in Mumbai. Insurance cover may, however, not be available to subside the cost as hair loss treatment is widely seen as an elective protocol.    

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