Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery Procedures In Mumbai.

The Esthetic Clinics is one of the best eyelid surgery if you are looking to have your eyelid surgery in India.

The eye is a delicate and prominent part of the human body, and it is nearly impossible not to feel it if anything goes wrong with one’s visual acuity. This does not even have to be about the most severe eye problem as a condition as subtle as droopiness can affect one’s vision to an extent. It is to this end that eyelid surgery may be recommended to correct the situation. Furthermore, eyelid surgery may be performed to get rid of wrinkles that had developed around the eyes. An expert in this field of surgery is known as an oculoplastic surgeon, and you need not look beyond The Esthetic Clinics if you are looking to have your eyelid surgery in India. This is because the clinic has got some of the Best Eyelid Surgeon in Mumbai – like Dr. Debraj Shome – and also the right facility to conveniently perform the procedure.

What do I need to do before having eyelid surgery?

After it must have been confirmed that you will be needing eyelid surgery, you will be required to take to some instructions. Adhering to these instructions will increase the probability of having a complication-free procedure. That said, the specialist will demand that you see to the following:

  • Stop taking blood-thinning medications like warfarin, aspirin, etc – in case you’re using [or intend to use] one – 2 weeks before the day set for your surgery
  • Desist from smoking and alcohol consumption at least 3 weeks before your eyelid surgery
  • Do not use makeup to the clinic on the day of the surgery

Oculoplastic surgery in Mumbai

On the day of the surgery, you will be led to the operating theatre where you will be administered either local or general anaesthesia to numb the area. Once the effect of the anaesthesia sets in, the oculoplastic surgeon will proceed to incise along the eyelid, and then get rid of the fat, skin, and/or muscle that may be responsible for the droopy eyelid. He will do this carefully to avoid overcorrecting or under-correcting the situation – all that is required is to return the eyelid to its natural position. The incision is thereafter closed using a suture, and the surgeon will eventually clean up the area.

How long does eyelid surgery take?

The surgeon should get your eyelid surgery completed in under 1 – 2 hours. This will basically be dependent on the severity of your condition, as well as the number of eyelids affected. There are instances where patients have even had to be admitted to the hospital wards for one or two days after an eyelid surgery – this is, however, rare. Relatedly, you should have someone around to accompany you back home after the surgery as you may not be able to drive yourself home.

What happens after the eyelid surgery?

Of course, your recovery will be a top priority once you have completed your eyelid surgery, and this can be accelerated or well managed if you take to some recommendations. For one, you should take note of the fact that swelling and/or bruising sensations are commonplace after having eyelid surgery. As such, you will need to have a cold pack over your eyelid to alleviate the swelling, and also have your head in an elevated position while sleeping. Additionally, you should consider the following:

  • Take your prescription drugs religiously
  • Avoid doing any strenuous work for some weeks after having your eyelid surgery
  • Do away with makeup for some weeks; this is particularly as it concerns the area that was operated
  • Use sunglasses when going outdoors
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