How To Protect Your Online Information

You can help safeguard and keep your personal information safe online by paying attention to the advice provided here.

It's crucial to make sure that our personal information is kept private online as the usage of technology in our daily lives increases. In Calgary, where the potential of cyber security breaches is a genuine issue, this is particularly crucial. Here are some guidelines to help you safeguard your information online:

  • For all of your internet accounts, use secure and distinctive passwords. At least 12 characters, using a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols, should make up a secure password. Do not include obvious information in your passwords, such as your name or birthdates.
  • When possible, enable two-factor authentication for your accounts. By asking you to input a code delivered to your phone or email in addition to your password when signing in, this offers an additional degree of security.
  • When sharing personal information online, use caution. Look for the "https" at the start of the internet address, which denotes that the site is secure, and only provides personal information on websites that you trust.
  • When connecting to the internet via public Wi-Fi networks, use a VPN (Virtual Private Network). Your internet connection is encrypted by a VPN, which also helps prevent other users on the same network from accessing your information.
  • Utilize the most recent software updates and security fixes to keep your PC and mobile devices up to date. These updates frequently include crucial security patches that aid in preventing hackers from accessing your devices.

You can help safeguard and keep your personal information safe online by paying attention to the advice provided here. Always remember that when it comes to online security, it's better to be safe than sorry.

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