What Makes A Good Cardiac First Responder Instructor Course?

A good Cardiac First Responder Instructor course would have been approved by PHECC. Do you know what PHECC is?

A good Cardiac First Responder Instructor course would have been approved by PHECC. Do you know what PHECC is? It is the short form for the Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council. This agency in Ireland is an independent statutory agency. It is responsible for training, education and standards in the domain of pre-hospital emergency care. Even, this body maintains a statutory register of Emergency Medical Practitioners in Ireland. What more features make a first aid responder instructor course valuable? Read on to learn more:

Course Objective:

The objective of a good cardiac first responder instructor course will be to provide learners with the skill, attitude and knowledge required for training others. The trainees become cardiac first responders. Further, a good course will help learners achieve the following:

•    Ability to demonstrate the recovery position
•    Explain the steps to be taken to deal with not only an heart attack but also stroke
•    Explain critical incidence management of stress
•    Explain child and adult foreign body obstruction of the airway
•    Demonstrate the right use of AED
•    Explain child and adult CPR
•    Demonstrate the survival chain
•    Demonstrate the role of PHECC

Course Duration:

Further, a good cardiac first responder instructor course will be offered as a two-day course maximum.

Who Should Take The Right Cardiac First Responder Course?

The cardiac first responder instructor course is for any person interested in becoming an instructor. This person taking the course will find the instructor course easy to understand when he has previously completed the first responder course. The reason is that he already knows the first aid procedures to be followed. The instructor course will strengthen his teaching skills. He will learn how to explain first aid techniques like CPR, dealing with stroke and heart attack, etc.

The two-day course from a good course provider like Qualtec will help him learn presentation skills and learning environment skills along with first aid techniques. Examples include infection control and heart attack and stroke. Even, Qualtec has made it compulsory that the person enrolling in the Cardiac First Responder Instructor course should have completed a basic PHECC CFR Course. Also, it is expected that the course taker should have a reasonable command of both written and oral English.


So, if you look for the best cardiac first responder instructor course, Qualtec is the solution. The reason is that Qualtec offers this course with all the features of a good course.

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