10 Best Vegan Movies & Documentaries You Need To Watch

Here are the top 10 must-watch vegan movies and documentaries that you need to add to your watchlist.

In a world increasingly conscious of its environmental impact, ethical choices, and health considerations, the cinematic realm has embraced the vegan movement. From eye-opening documentaries to heartwarming feature films, the world of vegan movies offers a diverse array of narratives that inspire, educate, and entertain. Here are the top 10 must-watch vegan movies and documentaries that you need to add to your watchlist, spanning platforms like vegan documentary Netflix and Vegan Movies on Amazon Prime.

1. Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret (Netflix)

An eye-opening exploration of the environmental impact of animal agriculture, Cowspiracy challenges conventional beliefs and unveils the hidden truths behind one of the most significant contributors to climate change.

2. What the Health (Netflix)

Delve into the intricate connections between diet and health in this thought-provoking documentary that questions the relationships between major health organizations and the food industry.

3. The Game Changers (Netflix)

Discover the incredible stories of plant-based athletes who defy stereotypes and demonstrate the performance benefits of a veganism lifestyle in this compelling documentary.

4. Okja (Amazon Prime)

This heartwarming drama follows the bond between a young girl and a genetically modified super pig, raising questions about the ethics of factory farming and the human-animal connection.

5. Eating Animals (Amazon Prime)

Based on Jonathan Safran Foer’s best-selling book, this documentary provides a deep dive into the consequences of factory farming, exploring the ethical dilemmas surrounding our food choices.

6. Forks Over Knives (Amazon Prime)

Advocating for a whole-food, plant-based diet, Forks Over Knives explores the health benefits of embracing a vegan lifestyle, challenging traditional notions of nutrition.

7. Babe (All Platforms)

While not a documentary, Babe is a timeless classic that tells the heartwarming story of a pig who defies societal expectations, capturing the essence of compassion and understanding.

8. Earthlings (All Platforms)

Considered one of the most impactful documentaries on animal rights, Earthlings takes an unflinching look at the harsh realities of humanity’s treatment of animals and the industries that exploit them.

9. Vegucated (All Platforms)

Follow the humorous and enlightening journey of three New Yorkers as they explore the challenges and benefits of adopting a vegan lifestyle for six weeks.

10. Dominion (All Platforms)

This powerful documentary takes an in-depth look at the ethical implications of animal agriculture, presenting a comprehensive examination of how animals are treated in various industries.

Whether you’re seeking environmental insights, exploring ethical considerations, or simply looking for entertaining stories that align with a plant-based lifestyle, these vegan movies and documentaries are essential viewing. Dive into the diverse narratives that challenge perspectives and contribute to the growing awareness of the impact our choices have on the planet, animals, and ourselves. The world of vegan cinema awaits — grab your popcorn and embark on a cinematic journey that will leave you inspired and informed.

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