Pros & Cons Of Dental Implants For Teeth Replacement

Discover the benefits and drawbacks of dental implants for teeth replacement.

Have you ever stopped smiling or chewing correctly because of an extracted tooth? This may have made you feel incredibly uncomfortable when socializing with friends and family. You may be wondering what options are available to you, once you’ve made the decision to have one of your teeth teeth. Well, one option available to you is what’s known as a dental implant. Surgeries require the use of an anesthetic drug to help nullify any pain associated with the procedure, so there's nothing to worry about.

Will they look like my natural teeth?

The good news is, unlike ordinary dentures, you don't have to pay special attention to your dental implants, as they are extremely durable and look and feel just like ordinary teeth. However, you are strongly advised to see your dentist if you discover that the implants are causing you any form of pain or discomfort. Gradually, with time, you won't be able to tell the difference between your natural teeth and your new dental implant.

Dental implants allow you to continue on with your normal daily lifestyle, where eating and chewing is concerned. Dental implants do not force you to limit the types of food you eat, and they help to restore any confidence you may have lost from having the tooth extracted in the first place.

Are you able to have dental implants at any age?

Age is no restriction, so long as you are still healthy and your jaw is deemed to be strong enough. If this is the case, then you have a good chance of being able to receive a dental implant.

What if my dental implant falls out while talking or eating?

While the thought of your implant falling out does not sound too pleasant, the good news is that it won't. That's because they are surgically inserted into the bone of your jaw.

Will my friends or colleagues at work know about my dental implant?

Only if you tell them! It will just look exactly the same as your regular teeth, so you need not worry about that. However, there are pros and cons associated with dental implants for teeth replacement. Please sit back and relax as we take you through this journey.

Pros and cons of dental implants for teeth replacement


1) Confidence

You won't have to cancel that date night with friends just because of your extracted or missing tooth. You’ll be equally pleased to know that you’ll be able to perform just as productively as you always did at work, because you won’t have to worry about your dental implants affecting your speech or your smile. Dental implants restore confidence.

2) Durability

Dental implants serve a long-term purpose. You won't need to bother about replacing them or having to worry about needing to go in and have further surgical treatment to help maintain them. In most cases, it is entirely unnecessary to even replace them. All you have to do is to ensure good oral hygiene, which is no different from any of your natural teeth.

3) Maintenance

Other than brushing and maintaining healthy oral hygiene, there is no need for any form of special treatment for your dental implants. They are effortless to maintain.


1) Cost

Not everyone can afford dental implants. They are an expensive solution. How much you will have to pay, will depend on the country you live in, whether you have private health insurance cover or not, and the number of dental implants you require to have. For this reason, dental implants may be out of reach for some people.

2) Surgery

Many people fear going to the dentist to receive even minor treatments, so having dental implants inserted may prove particularly stressful. Electing to undergo oral surgery may be a difficult choice to make. This is yet another drawback of having dental implants.


We all need to feel comfortable and confident when carrying out our daily activities. Whether it concerns eating, smiling or simply socializing with others, our teeth play an important role in our overall sense of self-confidence. While dental implants represent an excellent option for tooth replacement, some of the drawbacks may eliminate it from being a viable solution for certain patients. If you would like to learn more about dental implants, consult your dentist today.

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