After your blood sugar spikes from gluten-containing foods, like whole wheat bread, your blood sugar drops dramatically,

After your blood sugar spikes from gluten-containing foods, like whole wheat bread, your blood sugar drops dramatically, which often leads to cravings and addictive eating.

We as normal people many times have to self-deal with cravings that propel compulsive overeating. This when explained further can be categorized as some people crave sweets, some crave breads or pasta, some crave wheat, but one thing that most of the foods we crave have in common is that they contain gluten – a protein present in wheat.

Wishing you can overcome the chip cravings for good or not? Find out yourself with a visit to our clinic where we explain to you why this is the perfect solution for all forms of chip craving ultimately helping you control your food cravings for good.

If you wish to find a solution for the wheat factor, then at Dr. Restivo we have that just right, our very popular product – the chip craving dropsChip Craving Drops relieve symptoms of cravings for wheat and corn. 

Here is the list of ingredients used to make them. Coumarinum, Quercetin, Rutin, Bamboo, Barley, Corn, Cotton Seed, Flax Seed, Millet, Milo, Oat, Poppy Seed, Rice, Rye, Safflower, Sesame, Sorghum, Soybean, Sugarcane, Sunflower Seed, Wheat, Amaranth, Avena Sativa, Natrum Sulphuricum, Sarcolacticum Acidum, Triticum Repens, Adrenocorticotrophin and  Sycotic Co Bacillus are all used to make these dropsShop now! For your wheat cravings solution with chip craving drops only from our online platform.

If you require more information on this agenda, please feel free to connect with us or visit us through an appointment. One can slot in your appointments by clicking here and registering yourself. 

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