How Long Does It Take To Increase Your Iron Levels?

Iron is a vital mineral that, in addition to aiding in the creation of hemoglobin, a protein found in red blood cells th

Iron is a vital mineral that, in addition to aiding in the creation of hemoglobin, a protein found in red blood cells that helps transport oxygen throughout the body, helps in the maintenance of healthy hair, skin, and nails. People with anemia struggle to produce enough healthy red blood cells, leading to exhaustion, shortness of breath, and other symptoms.

But don't start stuffing your plate with spinach yet, as your iron levels won't improve overnight. You need to follow some lifestyle changes and religiously take iron deficiency supplements to see substantial results. 

Factors that affect your iron levels

It is essential to know the reason behind iron deficiency. Pregnancy and menstruation can be the primary cause of anemia among women. Other blood-related diseases like sickle cell disease, hemophilia, and thalassemia also play a massive role when you are trying to increase iron levels. 

Similarly, your lifestyle also affects your iron levels to some extent. For example, if you’re an athlete, you lose extra iron through sweat, or if you are a vegetarian, you need more plant-based iron. To regain iron levels, have a well-balanced diet or additional iron deficiency tablets.

Ways to increase your iron levels

The symptoms of anemia are tough to deal with, but it doesn't mean it's untreatable. To treat anemia, you need to focus on your iron intake depending on the above factors. Here are the primary ways you can increase your iron levels.

  • Iron supplements

Make sure you're taking your iron tablets as instructed by your doctor. It is advised for you to take them one hour before a meal for the best absorption. If you take them before eating, you can get an upset stomach. If you can't take iron supplements orally, they may be administered through muscle injection. It usually takes 2 to 3 weeks of taking iron supplements regularly for your symptoms to improve. To build up your iron reserves and prevent anemia from recurring, you may need to take iron for several months. Even if your symptoms have improved, continue to take your medications for as long as your doctor advises.

  • Diet and nutrition

A natural way to improve the iron level in your body is to eat more iron-rich foods. Some of the best iron supplements are red meat, egg yolks, salmon, peas, beans, dark green vegetables, broccoli, chicken, and whole-grain bread. Additionally, vitamin C may help your body absorb iron while also assisting in the production of hemoglobin. If you're taking iron supplements, then don't drink milk or take antacids simultaneously as they might hinder iron absorption. 

Boost Iron Absorption

What you eat and when you eat impacts iron absorption. Here are some ideas for increasing your iron levels faster.

  • Eat meat
    Heme iron, found in animal-based foods such as red meat, poultry, and shellfish, is the best iron supplement. While tofu, lentils, and spinach contain iron, plant-based iron isn't as easily absorbed as meat-based iron. Compared to 15% - 35% from animal foods, just 2% - 20% of non-heme iron passes through your digestive tract and into your blood.
  • Add vitamin C to your diet
    When you eat a meal with vitamin C, it helps non-heme iron absorb better. You can obtain a suitable dosage of vitamin C from bell peppers, broccoli, and cauliflower and consume more fruits like oranges, kiwifruit, and grapefruit.
  • Avoid tea and coffee
    Coffee and tea should be kept separate from iron-rich foods and supplements. Tea and coffee restrict absorption, so drink them at least a few hours before or after an iron-rich meal if you're aiming to boost your body's iron stores.

If you want to get the most out of your iron consumption, ensure your body is absorbing it properly and getting enough iron. If your diet doesn't provide enough iron, then look for a supplement that delivers optimal absorption while also being gentle on your stomach.

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