Easy Guide To Using Bottled Water For Formula

Knowing the right kind of water to use to prepare formula can solve many issues related to your baby’s health.

When it comes to babies and infants, the most important thing to follow is hygiene and the right methods to do everything associated with it. And especially when it comes to baby formula, you cannot leave any loose ends and must make sure that you are using only distilled bottled water for formula. The reason why pediatricians recommend using only distilled bottled water for formula is that it helps with reflux in babies and keeps them away from all health issues.

Therefore, the next time you are mixing the baby formula, do it with distilled water because it is the purest form and ensures that your baby does not consume any unhealthy minerals. Also, the distilled bottled water for formula is extremely easy to carry and convenient even if you are traveling and on top of that, the safest. Now, the next thing you need to know about is the right steps of mixing the baby formula with distilled bottled water.

#1 Get your hands cleaned and sanitized

Whenever it comes to feeding your baby, you must first wash your hands or sanitize them before you touch the bottles. When you are about to prepare the formula, your hands must be clean and germ-free.

#2 Get the bottle ready

When you are about to prepare the bottle, you must sterilize it before filling in the formula. Along with bottles, you also need to sterilize caps, rings, and nipples and this can be done easily by using a microwavable steam sterilizer bag.

#3 Adding the formula and distilled bottled water for the formula

Read the instructions given on the tin and scoop out whatever quantity is mentioned. You only have to use the scoop that is provided with the tin. Carefully put it inside the bottle and fill it with distilled water. Now cover the bottle with the cap and shake until the formula mixes completely with the water. If you are using hot water, make sure that you are cooling it down before you feed the baby. If you are using cold water, then you can warm it up a bit in a bottle warmer or the microwave.

#4 Testing the temperature

It is crucial to check the temperature of the formula that you have prepared. You can do that by squeezing a little bit on your wrist and it should not feel too cool or too warm.

#5 Feeding the right way

Since babies tend to have reflux, there are certain ways you need to know to ensure your baby is fine during the feeding.

•    Do not feed continuously to the baby. Try taking a break after every 30 seconds.

•    The upright position is considered best while feeding the baby.

•    If you feel that the baby is feeling uncomfortable, try to burp him/her frequently.

•    Use the right bottle.

With the abovementioned steps and using distilled bottled water for formula, your baby is going to feel happy and comfortable all the time.

Bay Bay Water, an online store selling purified and distilled water for mixing with baby formula ( baybaywater/Bottled-Water-for-Formula ) and cereals and this fluoride free bottled water is used to avoid an unhealthy intake of minerals. To know more about shipping and return, visit https://www.baybaywater.com/shipping-returns.

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