How To Use Lead Generation Software To Boom Your Linkedin Lead Generation

Many of them have also included Lead Generation software into their marketing strategy to speed up

LinkedIn is a best social networking platform for professionals, hands down! Most B2B marketers and business owners always on the hunt to find leads know the importance of this platform. LinkedIn platform has become the go-to platform to make connections, find leads, build business relationships and create unlimited opportunities. Many of them have also included Lead Generation software into their marketing strategy to speed up their lead generation process.

But how is this helpful? In this article, we’ll discuss how you can use LinkedIn and automation tools to scale your lead generation efforts. Let us first understand why LinkedIn is ideal for lead generation?

Why is LinkedIn important for lead generation?

When it comes to lead generation, many people have this misconception that Facebook or Twitter are platforms to start with. Well, it depends. If you are hunting B2B leads, you should know that LinkedIn comes on the top.

  • It’s 67% ahead of Twitter.
  • Brings 300% more leads as compared to Facebook.

Today, businesses are much more eager to have professional conversations with the right clients and build a network of relevant prospects. And LinkedIn has become an ideal platform to fulfill their needs. With more than 870 million users, belonging to more than 148 industries, this platform provides thousands of lead generation opportunities.

Some stats to back up our claims:

  • There are 870 million+ active users on LinkedIn.
  • LinkedIn is the most paid organic social platform for B2B marketers.
  • 90 million senior-level influencers on LinkedIn.
  • 10 million executives on LinkedIn.
  • This platform makes up more than 80% of the total B2B traffic.
  • 80% of the B2B marketers use it for lead generation.

Is lead generation on LinkedIn really a piece of cake?

Well, it’s certainly not

No doubt this platform has unlimited lead generation and business growth opportunities, but you need to have the right strategies, approaches, LinkedIn automation tools and some handy tips from the industry leaders to win amazing leads.


There is no one-size-fits-all solution for lead generation. To successfully generate leads on LinkedIn, first, you need to define who is your target audience? What are their current problems? What solutions can you offer to them? How to reach out to them and build strong business relationships?

With more than 870 million users, it’s certainly challenging to find out your ideal prospects. Searching prospects and visiting their profiles one by one to gather data will definitely take hundreds of hours.

That’s where the role of advanced LinkedIn automation tools comes in. Advanced LinkedIn automation tools come with features that automate repetitive tasks such as finding, connecting, engaging, collecting data, and sending initial messages. With these tools, users can complete these tasks in hours rather than days and save a lot of time.

What are LinkedIn automation tools and why are they important for lead generation?

LinkedIn automation includes using software and tools to automate certain LinkedIn tasks such as finding prospects, sending them to connect requests, messages, follow-ups, and collecting data, etc. that users otherwise perform manually. Sure, you can do all these activities manually, but you already know how much time and energy it takes that you’re left with no time to do important business tasks.

With the help of the latest LinkedIn automation tools, you can perform all these activities with more efficiency and less time that would otherwise take weeks or even months.

Being a business owner, you can’t afford to waste your weeks on simple tasks that don’t even require your assistance. Today, 40% of successful marketers have acknowledged the power of LinkedIn automation for better lead generation.

Why are businesses using LinkedIn automation tools for lead generation?

A few years back, LinkedIn automation raised eyebrows among the businesses communities. Many embraced it and started taking advantage of it while many others hesitated thinking that it’s spammy. (We’ll come to that myth later on).

There has been a dramatic shift in the marketing landscape and businesses are using marketing automation to streamline their workflows. Almost 40% of the small and large businesses have already included automation into their workflows one way or the other.

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