The Ultimate Alternative Of Google Drive For Photo Sharing

With Kwikpic,photographers can create personalised portfolios within the app to expand their business reach and attract

What is Kwikpic, and is it better than Google Drive?

Among the plethora of photo-sharing apps, Google Drive is probably the one you’re most familiar with. But it is really a photo storing app commonly used to share photos as well. It allows you to store photos, but it provides limited free storage space and makes bulk photo sharing a tedious process. Now let’s see how it compares to Kwikpic one of the best alternative of google drive , a purely made-in-India photo sharing app!

Kwikpic is an AI-powered software application that uses its state-of-the-art facial recognition technology to share photos with everyone personally and instantly. To make it even simpler, Kwikpic scans the face of every user at the time of registration and instantly finds and shows their photos, everytime they join a group or album!

Now you have a rough idea of what Kwikpic is, but you might have some questions. Like, what exactly does it do, and how? What are its features? Is it free? Are there ads in it? Is it simple to use? Is it available for iOS? Who is it for? And why are we comparing it with Google Drive? Is it better than Google Drive?

Don’t worry, this article will answer all of your questions step by step, so by the end, you’ll know enough about Kwikpic and Google Drive to make a smart choice for your photo sharing needs!

Let’s take a look at some key features of both apps:

Group and Privacy Settings

group and privacy setting for photo sharing app

All photo-sharing apps only give you the option to share the entire album, which lets everyone access all the photos. 

Kwikpic believes that privacy is not a luxury but a necessity, and that’s why it gives you complete control over your photos. You can create two types of groups depending on the size and intimacy of the event:

  • Small Personal Group: In this, all members can view every photo in the group. (Recommended for close-knit events like birthdays or family trips)
  • Big Public Group: In this, each member can only view their own photos and the highlights folder. (Recommended for big social events like weddings and concerts)

But sometimes, you may need to share full access with certain people to allow them to see all the images in a Big Public Group. That’s why Kwikpic allows you to share a full-access link with some individuals. With Kwikpic, you have the power to decide who can view your photos, while your clients are assured that their precious memories are only shared with those they trust. And this is one of the feature that make kwikpic an free alternatives to google drive.

On Google Drive, there is no option which allows people to just see their own photos. They can either see all the files, or none of them.

Score: Kwikpic = 1, Google Drive = 0.

You may also love to read about :- iCloud vs Kwikpic

Cloud Storage:

cloud storage photo sharing app

Kwikpic the secure alternatives to google drive offers cloud storage of up to 10 GB in the free plan. As opposed to it, Google Drive has only 15 GB of free storage for personal users. And when you realise that the storage on Google Drive consists not just of photos but also of your email attachments, Google documents, and videos, you understand how little space is really left for photos. Whereas Kwikpic is specifically designed for sharing photos and videos.
To upgrade your storage, Kwikpic’s annual pricing starts at INR 790/- while Google Drive’s pricing starts at INR 1300.

Score: Kwikpic = 2, Google Drive = 1.

For More Information Read The Following Blog:- The Ultimate Alternative of Google Drive for Photo Sharing

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