Organic Vs Non-organic Spices: Wholesome Goodness Of Sustainable Products

Organic spices are healthier and tastier than non-organic spices, and they offer a better user experience for consumers.

These days, health-conscious individuals prefer to add organic spices to their food instead of using non-organic produce. Organically produced herbs and spices ensure a better culinary experience for consumers. Dishes prepared with them taste better and are more nourishing for the body. For this reason, restaurants and food business owners invest generously in organic spices as a way of attracting more customers.

Nowadays, wholesale suppliers of spices offer a range of products to buyers that are grown using sustainable methods. Suppliers from Nigeria offer wholesale organic spices online for their buyers in the US. These suppliers grow spices like Pequin pepper, turmeric, and ginger powder under strict conditions, using only natural methods like organic compost and crop rotation. As a result, such products ensure better food flavor and improved health for consumers.

This article explores the various ways in which organic spices are better than non-organic spices.     

Organic spices are free of pesticides and chemicals

Artificial ingredients like fertilizers, pesticides, and other harmful chemicals are used extensively for farming and producing non-organic spices. They are also sterilized thoroughly before they hit the supermarket shelves. Usually, this involves fumigating the crops using Ethylene Oxide, already labeled as a potential carcinogen by the World Health Organization. It covers the crops with a layer of coating, which when consumed causes organ damage, developmental disorders, and cancer.

Organic spices are grown by using natural compost and manure. Farmers only work with non-GMO seeds that are free from any synthetic materials like fertilizers and pesticides. The fertility of the soil is enhanced by techniques like cover cropping, crop rotation and composting. Farmers adhere to special organic farming standards to improve the crop quality. They also use methods like mulching, hand weeding and working with beneficial insects to manage weeds and pests, instead of using pesticides.  

Organic spices are tastier and more nutritious

Organic spices are always produced with less waste, fewer harmful chemicals, and a lower carbon footprint. Spices grown using such sustainable methods are always richer in taste and flavor. Organic crops also benefit from the proper development of the phytonutrients. This, together with healthier soil, creates a fertile ground for healthy and nutritious spices to grow. Moreover, organically produced spices always carry a distinct imprint of their growing region. Soil and weather conditions vary from one place to another, and they produce a distinct quality in the same spice.

Organic spices support the cause of sustainable farming

Growing organic spices is a great way to support the cause of sustainable farming. When farmers are exposed to harmful chemicals regularly, it can cause serious health hazards for them as well. Therefore, steering clear of such chemicals helps farmers to grow healthier spices that are good for them as well. Organic farming techniques are also more profitable as it does not involve buying pesticides and other harmful chemicals.   

Wrapping Up

Spices are the essential lifeblood of a variety of food preparations. Without them, it would be impossible to add depth, flavor, and color to the dishes, thus making them tasty and edible. Wholesalers in the US can now buy bulk spices online from Nigerian suppliers that offer fresh harvest regularly. Consulting with online spice dealers like Tinker and Bell is a good way to stock organically produced spices.

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