We found 13 results for phrase "WebWatcher"

Using Parental Control Software to Monitor your Child's Online Activity

11 years ago | Software by Rodney

The Internet is a huge universe. It is filled with all sorts of information both good and bad. There are plenty of helpf...

Spy Software – Are You Doing Something Illegal By Using It?

11 years ago | Software by Rodney

The words spy software turn up images of secret agents and illegal activities. However, millions of people use spy softw...

Parental Controls in a Mobile Phone – Very Important!

11 years ago | Software by Rodney

With advances in technology, we are being flooded with a slew of fancy mobiles. Gone are the days when a mobile was some...

Parental Control Software – 5 Best Features to Seek

11 years ago | Software by Rodney

Parental control software is the best thing that has happened to the world since the invention of the Internet. Although...

Keeping Your Computer Safe with Spy Tools

11 years ago | Software by Rodney

The virtual world of the web may appear to be an attractive extension of one's own life but as in reality, there too, ex...

Is Keylogging Illegal?

11 years ago | Software by Rodney

One of the most commonly raised questions regarding surveillance software such as keyloggers is whether it is legally pe...

Is Installing Keylogging Software a Good Idea?

11 years ago | Software by Rodney

Keylogging software is a type of surveillance (or colloquially 'spy') software which records each and every keystroke ma...