Naomi Green

Articles: 5 Views: 6.7k Likes: 0 Must Reads: 0

Shisha Pen Does not Harm Animals

9 years ago | Quit Smoking by Naomi Green

There have been many articles and studies regarding the effect of passive smokin...

The Disposable Electronic Cigarette – ...

10 years ago | Electronics by Naomi Green

The electronic cigarette was originally developed and designed to help hardcore ...

Why Choose the Eshisha?

10 years ago | Electronics by Naomi Green

Recently, the electric cigarette was introduced all over the world...

Free Yourself from Smoking with the Nico...

10 years ago | Electronics by Naomi Green

Latest invention in the field of nicotine replacement therapy is the electric ci...

Electronics Cigarettes and Society

10 years ago | Electronics by Naomi Green

The electronic cigarette was invented almost ten years ago, and it has become, y...