Studies Say These 4 Traits Impact A Gorgeous Smile

What makes a smile beautiful? Here are some possible traits.

Have you ever wondered what differentiates a gorgeous smile from the rest? According to recent research, there are four traits that play a role. To learn what they are (and how your dentist can help bring your dream smile to life), keep reading!

Trait #1: Position

Crooked, spaced-out, and otherwise misaligned teeth negatively impact the health and appearance of your smile. In fact, multiple studies have shown that people with straight teeth are viewed more positively than people struggling with malocclusion. The good news is that your cosmetic dentist can address both the position and tilt of your teeth with treatments like veneers and Invisalign!

Trait #2: Color

Research from notable companies like Colgate show that people with stained, yellow teeth are often viewed as older and less clean. If you’re struggling with dental discoloration, you’ll be happy to know that there are several treatments that can restore your bright, white smile! The first is professional teeth whitening, which has the potential to significantly whiten your teeth in just one appointment. If the stains are permanent, then veneers may be a better solution for you.

Trait #3: Visibility

The visibility of your teeth also matters! For example, if a large amount of your gums show when you smile, your teeth will look small and disproportionate. Don’t worry – your cosmetic dentist can balance your smile with painless laser gum reshaping.

Trait #4: Size

Long, thin teeth and short, wide teeth are two examples of how the size of your teeth can dramatically impact the overall appearance of your smile. If your teeth are “too short,” consider asking your cosmetic dentist about direct bonding or veneers. While these two treatments vary in price and longevity, they both can make your teeth a more flattering length. Of course, if your teeth are “too long,” you can always talk to your dental team about your treatment options too!

From the position to the size, there are several factors that make a smile “flawless.” The good news is that any dental imperfections you have can be addressed with a skilled cosmetic dentist in your corner! So, if you’re interested in pursuing your smile goals, don’t hesitate to schedule a consultation.

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