How To Properly Care For Your Flat-roofed Building

Tips on how to make sure your flat roof is kept safe and clean.

Flat roofs are easy to install as well as versatile, but that type of structure is going to require some unique maintenance. If you want your flat roof to stand up to the elements in the coming years, then there are some important steps that you will need to take to care for it.

Schedule Annual Inspections

Even though the average flat roof is designed to last for quite some time, it should still be professionally inspected at least once or twice a year. During those inspections, a company like Fischer Roofing - Flat Roof Pros will look over every inch of the roof to ensure that there are no cracks, leaks, bent flashing, or any other type of damage. They can also check the supporting structure underneath the roof to make sure that the insulation and ducts are safe and damage-free.

Keep It Clean

It is an unfortunate fact that many people stack items on their flat roofs, and that can lead to serious problems. While it might be tempting to store some of your belongings on the roof, that could lead to quite a few problems later on. At least once every few weeks, you should remove any debris that has been placed on the roof or landed there from strong winds.

Trim All of the Nearby Trees

Unlike slanted roofs that allow branches and leaves to roll off, a flat roof is going to collect quite a bit of debris if you aren’t careful. Over time, all of that extra debris could add hundreds of pounds of weight to the roof and eventually cause leaks or other forms of damage. That is just one of the reasons why all of the nearby trees on your property should be trimmed so that they aren’t within a few feet of the building.

Check the Drainage System

Maintaining a sufficient drainage system on a flat roof is more complicated than most people realize. It is very easy for water to pool on a flat roof and cause expensive damage in the blink of an eye if there isn’t proper drainage. At least a few times a year, you should check your roof’s drainage system for any signs of blockage that might cause issues later on.

Caring for your flat roof doesn’t need to be a time-consuming or complicated process. In most cases, a little bit of preventative maintenance will allow you to avoid some of the most common problems that can take place with those structures.

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