Enterprise Security Awareness Training Courses And Solutions

Australian designed enterprise security awareness training is making the world take notice Learn how we can help you dev


For enterprise security that’s anchored in your culture, train your workforce so that people no longer think about security. They just do it.

  • Teach staff to use office devices responsibly at work

  • Encourage employees to comply with security policies

  • Instil security awareness into your work culture

Enterprise security is all of the measures you take to shield your operations from digital risk on 3 fronts:

  • loss or theft (physical security)

  • online attack (cybersecurity)

  • data exposure (information security)

There are hundreds of policy templates and technical products available to help organisations on all 3 fronts. But unsound acts from just one of your employees can make these technical tools and barriers almost useless.

No matter how rigorous your physical security policies are for the myriad IT assets your organisation oversees, one single employee misstep can have huge consequences. 

Just ask the Australian military aide to Major General John Cartwell who broke security protocols when he stored a USB in his backpack which was stolen while transiting through Kuwait.

Or speak to administrators at the University of Western Australia where thieves stole laptops containing domestic student’s tax file numbers as well as international applicants’ passport numbers and visa status. There’s also the risk of insider theft, where existing or outgoing employees use USB devices to download proprietary information to share with competitors, as was the case in Australia with freight company Toll. 

And hackers don’t always need to use electronic means to get to your data. They can simply look over your shoulder at a coffee shop, a shared work space or on a crowded commuter train, as one UK public servant discovered. Australian designed enterprise security awareness training is making the world take notice Learn how we can help you develop a cyber resilient workforce

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