5 Curb Appeal Projects To Work On This Summer

Curb appeal is king in marketing your home, so it can be worth upgrading with it in mind if you might be moving soon.

Summer is the perfect season for homeowners to roll up their sleeves and enhance their homes' curb appeal. Curb appeal makes your property more attractive and can significantly increase its value. Whether you’re preparing to sell or simply want to create a welcoming atmosphere, here are five impactful projects to consider undertaking this summer.

Refresh Your Landscaping

One of the most noticeable ways to boost your home's curb appeal is by refreshing your landscaping. Start by trimming overgrown bushes, mowing the lawn regularly, and pulling out any weeds. Planting colorful flowers and shrubs can add vibrancy to your yard. Consider adding mulch to flower beds to give them a polished look while also helping to retain moisture and suppress weeds. Trees are another great addition; they provide shade and can significantly enhance the overall aesthetic of your property.

Update Your Roofing

Your roof is one of the first things people notice about your home. If your roof is looking worse for wear, summer is an ideal time to update it. Not only will this improve your curb appeal, but it will also protect your home from the elements. Choose materials that complement the style of your home. Modern roofing options come in various styles and colors, allowing you to find the perfect match. A roofing contractor can offer advice on what might be best for your climate and expected heat index.  Additionally, newer roofing materials often offer better energy efficiency, which can reduce your cooling costs during hot summer months.

Revamp Your Siding

Siding plays a crucial role in your home's exterior appearance. If you have old or damaged siding, consider replacing it to give your home a fresh, new look. There are many materials to choose from, including vinyl, wood, and fiber cement, each offering different benefits. New siding can not only enhance the aesthetic appeal but also improve the insulation of your home. Companies like 877 New Look Siding can help you determine what style would fit the rest of your home, as well as what would be easy to maintain. When selecting siding, think about the color scheme and texture that will best complement your home’s architectural style and surroundings.

Enhance Your Front Entrance

Your front entrance is the focal point of your home's exterior. Make it inviting by giving your front door a fresh coat of paint. Choose a color that stands out yet harmonizes with the rest of your home’s exterior. Adding new hardware, such as a stylish door handle or a modern lockset, can also make a big difference. Consider installing new lighting fixtures to illuminate the entrance and create a warm, welcoming ambiance. Potted plants or a decorative wreath can add a touch of personality and charm.

Install Outdoor Lighting

Outdoor lighting can transform the look of your home and make it safer. Strategically placed lights can highlight your home’s best features, such as architectural details, landscaping, and pathways. Solar-powered lights are an eco-friendly and cost-effective option for illuminating your garden and walkways. Consider adding motion-sensor lights near the garage and entryways for added security. String lights or lanterns can create a cozy and inviting atmosphere for outdoor gatherings during those warm summer evenings.

Improving your home's curb appeal doesn't have to be a daunting task. By focusing on key areas like landscaping, roofing, siding, your front entrance, and outdoor lighting, you can make substantial changes that will enhance the beauty and value of your home. Take advantage of the pleasant summer weather to tackle these projects, and enjoy the transformation of your property into a more attractive and welcoming space. Happy home improving!

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