SEO: Common Objections And How To Handle Them

Webmasters and SEO specialists understand the importance of search engine optimization. Clients are another matter as many fail to see just how crucial good SEO is to boost profits.

Webmasters and SEO specialists understand the importance of search engine optimization. Clients are another matter as many fail to see just how crucial good SEO is to boost profits. If you need to convince a client about the numerous benefits SEO offers here are a few areas to cover.

Why SEO? What's the big deal?

The big deal is that every internet user in search of information will use a search engine. They may know the names of a few sites and directly visit them but additional or new information is always sought and the only way to get it is to have a search engine scour the millions of web pages on the internet.

Retail sites are not as content-rich as informational sites. But this doesn't mean that their content can't grab the attention of crawlers. Show the client how SEO can help by running a generic search on products sold by the client. Most likely, the client's website won't show up in the traffic results while rival sites will.

Aren't SEO services expensive?

The real question is, what isn't expensive in today's world? Rather than focusing on how much one has to pay, make the client see what he can get in return. SEO is made up of several different processes such as keyword research and link building. A breakdown of what a package contains as well as what each process roughly costs and how it helps build good optimization can sway client opinion. Then show the client the profits he can make by having his website rank highly in search engines.

What about SEO content writers?

Writing content worthy of SEO is something that needs to be learnt. Many writers undertake courses or educate themselves. What a client can do is either outsource writing to good SEO writers or have his content management team trained in SEO writing. As for writers who hesitate to change their style of writing, make them see how much more visible their content can be if they incorporated SEO elements into their writing.

Every writer wants to be seen and this point could tip the scale in your favor.

Isn't SEO just a fad?

The dotcom boom that saw a major crash a decade ago has rightly made people wary of 'new' internet technology. But SEO is here to stay. Even if search engines change the way crawlers identify worthwhile content, webmasters still have to stay up-to-date to make websites 'crawlable'. This interdependency is what ensures SEO won't diminish in value. And with so many businesses now conducted online, the need to stand out has become even more important.

We're already an established company

Established brands may not have to rely on SEO to gain popularity but in the hunt for generic content, they should still aim to figure high in rankings. For example, a user runs a search on 'fleece jackets' which is a generic phrase but which is also part of the lineup of a client's products. If his site isn't optimized, the company's brand won't be visible on the first page of a search engine's hits. As established as the company may be, the client will still want to extend his customer base or his brand name to overseas customers. Good SEO can achieve this and make sure the company continues to have a firm foothold in the retailing industry.

If you are looking to sell products or generate leads for your business online, then search engine optimisation can play a great role in both your short and long term strategies. However choosing a search engine optimisation company can be a tricky process. Refer this link for additional details.

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