Designing a Website for Maximum Traction

Here are a few things to keep in mind while designing a website in order to maximise traction and convert consumers.

There are many conditions to whether or not a user who lands on your website will stay on longer to interact with it or not. Any website’s goal is to build maximum traction with target audience in order to propel businesses in the right direction. Here are some tips to consider before designing a website that will help you build traction and convert your audience to customers.

1. Identify your target audience

Before you get started on designing a website, one of the primary first questions to ask yourself and your team is, ‘who is your website going to be created for’? As soon as you pinpoint who your target audience, it gets a lot easier for you to put yourself in their shoes and imagine what kind of experience they would want to have, what they would be looking for, and what ways would they like to interact with your product or service? When you identify the value your product or service can offer consumers, vendors or partners, you are achieving your very first goal right there. Evaluate your content. Ascertain that what you have on your website targets the type of person you wish to connect with. If you are a brand talking to consumers, try not to use too much of industry lingo or pointless jargon that could alienate your audience. Try to make put your target audience in specific compartments so you can offer them exactly what they want. By narrowing your TG, you are focussing your message and communication to only those in that particular niche. This core audience is the one that is most likely to interact with your business. Don’t write your copy as if you are speaking to a crowd, but only to a select audience.

2.  Focus on a single call-to-action

There are many websites that bombard consumers with slide-ups, pop-ups, bottom of page opt-ins, sidebar opt-ins, live chat options, Facebook like requests and Twitter follower requests. Don’t crowd your webpage with too many calls-to-action, which tends to take their focus away from what you want them to do in the first place. Very few people will make the decision to opt in or buy right away without reading something that is valuable first. The trick to designing a website is to get a user acquainted with your business, product or service and then go on to make an ecommerce call-to-action to convert them into customers.

Unobstructed views that are clean, minimalistic and have limited link, callouts, or action buttons around are what work. Compelling content leads to user engagement, which ultimately results in conversions.

3. Prioritize your navigation

Your navigation should be your next priority. First get a site-map in order before you get to the design stage. This helps you define the different sections and sub-sections within a website.  Split up your navigation if possible and prioritize what should be highlighted. In your main navigation there should be important pages that are vital to making a sale or leading to a conversion. These pages could be product or service description pages, pricing pages, and contact pages. Don’t have too many pages in your primary navigation which could confuse users and make them lose focus. Give them only a few select choices and make their decisions simple. Pages like About Us, Team Bios, FAQs, don’t have to be in focus and reside on the bottom of the homepage.

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