Between the older and younger generations, the subject of arranged marriage frequently comes up in discourse. A union of two people brings two families together in addition to marking the start of a successful relationship.
Parents or other elderly relatives who are close to a young person arrange weddings. It is thought that the elder relatives are more aware of the demands of their children's spouses. The youngsters also have a level of openness and trust towards their family that is uncommon in our western culture.
The benefits of arranged marriages might be:
- In certain societies, it might be crucial for families to make sure that their child marries someone who shares a similar cultural or religious background. Marriages that are arranged might assist to retain cultural customs and build family relationships. There may be less friction and strain in the relationship because the two partners are probably from similar backgrounds and have similar beliefs.
- It's possible to regard arranged weddings as a strategy to improve bonds and connections within families.
- Some individuals may believe that because their match is already formed, arranged weddings might lessen some of the stress associated with finding a spouse.
- It lessens the anxiety associated with finding your own spouse. Some people might struggle to find a life partner without arranged marriages since they aren't very good at courting the opposite gender.
- Families may take a more active role in helping their children choose a compatible partner who shares their beliefs.
- It has been shown that arranged weddings have lower divorce rates than unions founded only on love in various cultures.
- It's crucial to remember that arranged weddings have their share of difficulties. Both sides could struggle to adapt to the relationship and feel under pressure to live up to their families' expectations. Arranged weddings can also support patriarchal structures and violate the autonomy of the individual.
The drawbacks of planned marriages might be:
- Some people could believe that they have little control over who they marry and that they are being forced into a union that they do not desire.
- The sentiments and suitability of the pair may not be taken into consideration in an arranged marriage.
- As families may be very involved in the marriage, there may not be enough privacy and autonomy in arranged weddings.
- If an arranged marriage isn't working out, it may be challenging to leave because of possible societal or cultural constraints.It's important to note that these are only generalisations and that there are many different ways in which arranged weddings might be planned for and viewed. It's also critical to remember that views on arranged weddings can differ significantly based on cultural and individual viewpoints.
- The majority of couples don't have enough time to get to know one another. Most often, following a few encounters, engagement dates are set, and throughout the wooing phase, individuals strive to get to know one another. Few people have the fortitude to call off a relationship unless there is a serious problem. Therefore, little warning signs that might later become major issues are disregarded.
- The bride or groom are given few or no options to choose their future spouse.
Love is less important than commitment, which is more important. In arranged marriages, many couples already have children. - Love is less important than commitment, which is more important. Many individuals in arranged marriages start loving their partners before they have children, and once they do, it takes greater dedication to stay in the marriage when things go wrong for the benefit of the children.
- An arranged marriage is quite different from a love marriage, when you already know the other person and how their family is. Some things could astound you while others might surprise you.