Mr Tim Smith

Articles: 5 Views: 7.5k Likes: 0 Must Reads: 0

Warts’n All! Remove or Keep As a Villa...

9 years ago | Skin Care by Mr Tim Smith

There are many different types of warts, all of which have one thing in common....

Permanent and Temporary Hair Removal Thr...

9 years ago | Hair by Mr Tim Smith

Contrary to some of the popular beliefs the ritual of hair removal dates to long...

How to Recognise Sebaceous Cysts and Way...

9 years ago | Skin Care by Mr Tim Smith

Sebaceous, Epidermoid and Pilar cysts have all in the past known as ‘sebaceous c...

Epilation and Electrolysis Epilators

8 years ago | Cosmetics by Mr Tim Smith

Epilation is a very popular method of hair removal. However there is confusion a...

What affects Permanent Hair Removal Trea...

8 years ago | Hair by Mr Tim Smith

Unwanted hair is a ongoing common problem affecting most women to varying degree...